More often than not, as homeowners, the last thing we want to do is home repairs. Not only do they take time (and many of us don't have a lot to spare), but they can also be costly and sometimes tedious. Sure, changing a light bulb or fixing a leaky faucet can be put off until it's absolutely necessary to fix, but there are some home repairs that should never be put off. Unfortunately, many of these involve major things (and can come with an even more major price tag), but avoiding the repairs listed below could actually cause bigger problems down the road for your property. The following are some of the top home repairs that should never be put off.
Will's Real Estate Analysis
Friday, October 28, 2016
Home Repairs
The Best Time of Year for Real Estate
The Best Times of Year for Real Estate
For many in the United States it seems as though real estate season starts in the spring and ends just as the kids head back to school in the early fall. While many home and property sales take place in the spring and summer, the reality of the real estate market in the United States is that it's all about timing. Whether you're a buyer or a seller of a home or property, there are optimal times throughout the year, but for the most part, the real estate market and when it's 'hot' depends on where you're located and the time of year or season.
Spring and Summer
One of the main things that drives an influx of real estate in the spring and summer are households with children - parents want and like to move when kids are out of school. If you live in an area where there are a number of families, or where schools are relatively close, spring and summer are great seasons for properties.
A handy tip for sellers: if you're going to have an open house, the first Sunday of every month is considered the best day to host it. Many listings will hit the market on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning and have a rushed open house the Sunday after. To create intrigue and build momentum for your property, talk with your agent or Realtor to have your listing appear on Monday or Tuesday and follow with an open house the following weekend.
Fall and Winter
Real Estate in General
Spring and summer will see more properties and greater competition while the late fall and winter will attract more serious sellers and buyers will find less competition overall. If you're looking to buy or sell remember to enjoy yourself, and work with your agent or Realtor so you have the best real estate experience you can have.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Exterior Updates to Boost Resale Value
Exterior Updates to Boost Resale Value
One of
the best tools in a seller's arsenal is curb appeal. The outside of a
home or property is one of the first things a buyer sees, and while many
times it's not on the outside that counts, when it comes to real
estate, the outside of a home plays a huge part in whether a buyer is
going to want to take a look inside.
If a property can catch a buyer's eye from the get go, the
probability that the buyer will want to look inside exponentially grows.
If you've put your property on the market and are not attracting the
number of potential buyers you'd like, or you're considering putting
your property on the market and would like to give it a step above the
other options on the market, consider these exterior home updates to
help attract more buyers and help the resale value of your home or
Update Paint
Replace Front Door
The front
door of a home says a lot about a property and even about the seller. A
high quality front door will not only stand out in pictures but also
appeal to any buyers who might drive by the property. If your front door
could use a facelift, consider investing in a wood or fiberglass door.
Both types have a high-end look and feel and can help to boost the
resale value; but if your budget doesn't have the room for a brand new
door, replacing the door hardware and adding a new coat of paint can
help invigorate a tired door and still catch the attention of potential
Install New Windows
Update Siding
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Updates, Renovations and Remodels
Updates, Renovations and Remodels
When selling a home or property, one of the main foals of the seller is to get the highest offer possible. If the market is hot, the chance of getting a high offer is relatively high. If the market is on the cooler side, many sellers looks to alternative options to make their properties more marketable, usually by way of a remodel, a renovation or by updating the property. But what is the difference between a remodel and a renovation? Is an update something that is easy or difficult?
While there are no doubt projects that see better return on investment than others, homeowners have a number of options when it comes to boosting their property's value. If you're not particularly ready to put your property on the real estate market, but are looking for ways to help boost your home's overall value, an update, a renovation or a remodel might be just what you're looking for at the current time.
Want to help boost your home's value but have a limited budget for projects? Updates are a great option for the homeowner that has limited resources, funds or even time. But what's an update? An
update essentially brings new life to your property, and perhaps brings things up-to-date, but it does so without significant alterations to the existing structure or property. Updates that are common in many households are updating light fixtures, installing new appliances, updating the home to be more energy efficient, updating exterior paint or changing interior colors, etc.
Depending on your budget, updates shouldn't break the bank, but they can help to boost a property's value or overall marketability. Buyers like seeing updates, especially when they boost the overall appearance of the home. Updates are a great and relatively convenient way of sprucing up a home without dedicating a high amount of time and money to projects, and even minor updates can help boost a property's overall value. Even just repainting the exterior trim can make a big difference.
If you're looking to help boost the overall value of your property, adding stainless steel appliances to a kitchen (or even updating to newer appliances), putting in granite or other stone counter tops, changing outdated cabinet doors and hardware can all help boost a property's value and catch a potential buyer's eye. Depending on the number of projects you'd like to tackle, renovations can be relatively quick or take time and cost a few dollars. Again, your budget and time frame will determine the scope of your project, but renovations can add considerable value to your property and provide a large return to investment when it comes time to sell.
Remodels require a little more time, labor and funding, and more often than not remodels involve removing or moving walls, building additions or anything that includes significant structural changes to increase utility or appeal via replacement or expansion. A remodel changes the use of a space by altering the structure and style of a home. Popular remodels include kitchens, bathrooms and even going so far as to add additional square feet to the entire house. Because of how extensive a remodel can be, it's always suggested that permits are obtained for the work and that an architect and/or contractor is used to make sure any work is done according to current local building codes.
Remodels that help improve a space can increase a property's value immensely, and in some hot real estate markets could even see a 100 percent return on investment. Some of the most popular remodels home buyers seek: kitchens, bathroom, and additional square footage (adding rooms) as they show the homeowners invested in the property and took the time to improve it for the future.
Updating a home or property, or choosing to renovate or remodel, is a big decision and ultimately depends on how much time, effort, money and sweat a seller wants to put into the task. But if you're on the fence of whether or not your property could fetch the highest selling price in today's market, considering an update, a renovation or remodel might be the best solution at the current time to get your property to the top of every buyer's list.
For more information on how to update your home or if your interested in scheduling a no-obligation meeting with Will Steinmetz, please do not hesitate to call (810) 844-2201.
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real estate advice,
Friday, July 1, 2016
Appraisals and Home Inspections
Appraisals and Home Inspections
When buying or selling a home, many have heard of an appraisal and a home inspection. While both are very important to the entire transaction, an appraisal and home inspection are two very different things. If you're looking at buying a new home or property, or you're interested in selling your current property, it is beneficial for both parties to know the difference between the two and why they are important.
What is a Home Appraisal?
But why is an appraisal needed?
An appraisal lets the bank or lender know what the loan collateral will be set at for a worst-case scenario situation. What does this mean? The banks wants the home to appraise for a similar amount they are going to loan to the buyer. Should anything happen, and the bank has to sell the home, the bank doesn't want to be stuck with a home that had a million-dollar loan on it but can only be sold for $100,000.Appraisals are important, but they can be a tad stressful. The appraisal is done after the sale price is negotiated and the contract has been signed, which is why many people hope the appraisal is close to the sale price negotiated by the buyer and seller. To protect the transaction for both sides, the buyer and seller should have a sales-and-purchase agreement that addresses the possibility of the appraisal being below the purchase price. This would allow the buyer to terminate the contract or renegotiate the sale price. If not, the buyer could be obligated to cover the difference between the purchase price and the appraisal.
What does an appraiser do?
The appraiser will walk around the property and look at the value of the home, but she or he will also make note of any problems or issues. It has happened that an appraiser has pointed out things to be fixed in order for an appraisal to come back higher. Appraisers mainly look to check the main characteristics of the house: square footage, bedrooms and bathrooms, the overall condition of the property, recently sold comparable properties in the area and any noticeable health or safety issues. Appraisals are not an in and out thing - they can take up to a couple days to complete, and the loan underwriters can request more information than in previous years. As a seller, the number one thing you can do to help the appraisal process is to make sure the house or property is in good order.While an appraisal determines the value of the property based on an inspection done for the loan company, an appraisal is not a home inspection. The appraisal is for the mortgage lender; the home inspection is primarily for the buyer.
What is a Home Inspection?
Who is Responsible for the Home Inspection?
The buyer generally arranges and schedules the inspection; your agent or Realtor will most likely be able to suggest a home inspector she or he has worked with in the past, but it's important to make sure the inspector has experience and is a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors. But the most crucial part of the home inspection is to provide a through and tough inspection of the property to the buyer.When buying or selling a home, it's important to know and be aware of all that is available to buyers and sellers. While the appraisal is done for the benefit of the lender, the appraisal also benefits both the buyer and seller by determining a value on the property. The home inspection is done for the benefit of the buyer, but it's also a good indication for the seller about the property and any issues that might need to be addressed should the buyer drop out of the transaction. Both an appraisal and home inspection are valuable and important parts of a property transaction.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Finances and Buying a Home
Home ownership has always been a top dream for millions of Americans, and with the many television shows, magazines and other media geared toward owning a home in the U.S., buying a home is very much a reality in our country.
While we can get caught up in the very fun aspect of looking at homes, browsing the many websites dedicated to real estate, looking for a home or property is just one aspect in the entire home buying process. One part, of which is fairly important and might be casually looked over at the beginning, is that of getting one's finances in order to begin a home search. Finances area huge part of buying, especially if you'll be applying for a mortgage loan. To put yourself in a great position before your begin your home or property search, use the tops below regarding credit, a home budget and having cash for a down payment and closing costs to help you ensure you have your bases covered before you begin your property search.
Your credit is made up of your credit score and your credit report. A credit score is a three digit number that is generated based on what is in your credit report, and it basically tells banks and other lenders what your creditworthiness. Your credit report is a detailed report of your credit history, and the information is used to generate your credit score.
When most people consider buying a property, one of the first things that's suggested is to get one's credit in order. This can mean a number of things, but it includes running a credit report, checking a credit score, and paying off or paying down any debts that might be outstanding in order to have a better credit score and higher creditworthiness. If you're looking at buying, run your credit report to make sure it's current, up-to-date and that there's nothing 'off' on the report. You want to make sure all the information that's listed is true and only pertains to you.
We all can get wrapped up in the fun and excitement of property searches, and many times our wants and likes go beyond what our budget can afford. Once you have your credit in check, the next thing
to do is determine your budget. The best advise to heed when thinking about your budget: you want to be financially comfortable. You already know your monthly expenses as a non-homeowner, but if you don't, dedicate some time to sitting down and writing out all your monthly expenses to get an idea of how much you or your household spends each month. Compare this number to the amount of money you bring in each month. If you're already renting, you know how much of your income goes toward you rent, renters insurance, and any other expenses that come along with your rental unit.
If you don't rent, once you have all of your spending written out, you'll have a good understanding of how much you have left each month that can go toward a mortgage payment or toward a down payment. An excellent tool that can be found on the internet is a Home Affordability Calculator - this helps to determine a comfortable monthly payment based on all of the other recurring expenses a household might have.
Cash for a Down Payment and Closing Costs
Another cash expense of home buying is the closing costs. Closing costs are fees that are associated with the closing of a real estate transaction, and they are paid either by the buyer, seller, or both parties together. The costs are based on the type of property that is purchased, the location of the property, and a number of other things, but for the most part closings costs can range anywhere from 2 to 5 percent of the purchase price. Closing costs, just like a down payment, are made with cash, and sometimes buyers can negotiate for a seller to cover closing costs. To be on the safe side, have enough cash set aside to cover both a down payment and closing costs when buying a home or property.
Buying a home is an exciting life event, but it's also a large financial event. Before you begin your home search, have all your bases covered when it comes to finances and the home search will be much more rewarding and less stressful in the long run.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Social Media and Real Estate
Social media has become a way of life in our country over the past decade. With more and more people using sites like Facebook, and applications like Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, having a presence on social media is almost an absolute must. But what is social media? We hear that term a lot, especially on the news and in public places. Social media is those websites and applications that give users the opportunity to create and share content for the sole purpose of social networking, or communicating with others. Social media allows people and communities to connect in ways they were unable to in the past, paving the way for new or renewed connections.
While many think social media is only an option for those looking to share family photos or cat videos, social media has opened the door to new marketing opportunities, especially when it comes to real estate. Whether a buyer, seller or real estate agent, social media is an excellent tool to get to get the word out about properties, and should you be considering a real estate search soon, don't forget to look to social media for more ways to market your property or find your dream home.
Popular Social Media Sites
What is Facebook? Facebook is probably the most popular social networking site on the Internet. Used by people around the world, Facebook allows users to make posts, share pictures and videos, and overall connect with friends, family and communities via the internet. Facebook allows users to get direct access to information via posts by people in their groups. If you're utilizing Facebook for real estate marketing, you have the ability to post listings, property pictures and other information that users will find immediately helpful. Not only that, but with the fact that Facebook users are all somehow connected via friends and groups, your listing can be shared beyond your immediate group of contacts, making Facebook a great word-of-mouth marketing tool.
The common age group of Facebook users is 25 to 34; many people who use Facebook will be interested in real estate or know someone who is. Facebook also allows users to share information about their communities and neighborhoods that might not be found on a website (because it comes directly from the people living in the community), so the amount of information that can be assessed via Facebook is almost limitless.

What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social networking site that is also used by people around the world. The draw of Twitter is that it's a rolling conversation: it's fast-paced and posts are limited to 140 characters or less. Users have the ability to post pictures, videos and links to other media or websites that can be readily accessed by their followers. Twitter is also an excellent marketing medium because it has a great search function: if you're looking for information about a certain city, community or neighborhood, it's likely you'll be able to find Twitter conversations (or 'tweets') with relevant information and responses.
Marketing with Twitter requires a lot of engagement on both sides of the coin. Because Twitter conversations are constant, the more effort that's put forth on Twitter means the greater reach of your posts and the people who will receive the information. Twitter is a great tool in that users have the ability to attach hashtags, or #, to apply keywords or phrases to a post. This allows for greater reach, as anyone can search for a keyword or phrase, meaning the number of people that can find your post is only limited to the total number of Twitter users.
Instagram and Pinterest
Social media has become a way of life in out ever changing, technological world. Real estate is a competitive market for both Buyers and Sellers, and social media is a great, readily available tool for anyone interested in real estate to utilize to their benefit. Check out some of these sites and see the endless possibilities of social media and real estate.
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